August 20, 2024
August 20, 2024

How to Repurpose Interviews with AI Workflows

The Traditional Interview Repurposing Content Process

Traditionally, repurposing interviews into valuable content has long been a time-consuming and labor-intensive process.

Content creators and marketers have typically followed a series of manual steps to extract the most from their interview material, often struggling with the challenges of repurposing existing content.

Manual Transcription

The very first hurdle in the process is transcribing the interview.

This involves listening to the audio recording and meticulously typing out every word spoken by both the interviewer and interviewee. Depending on the length of the interview, this step alone can take hours, especially if the audio quality is poor or there are multiple speakers.

Hiring a transcriptionist saves time, but the cost can add up fast.

Identifying Key Insights

Once the transcript is complete, the next challenge is to comb through pages of text to identify the most valuable insights, quotes, and information.

This requires a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the subject matter to ensure that no important points are missed.

Content Creation

With key insights in hand, content creators then face the task of crafting new pieces of content, such as writing a blog post.

This might also involve repurposing interview content into shareable social media posts, video content, or developing newsletter content.

The challenge here is to weave the extracted information into a cohesive narrative that engages the audience while staying true to the original interview.

Editing and Optimization

After the initial content is created, it undergoes several rounds of editing.

This includes checking for accuracy, improving readability, and ensuring that the piece aligns with the brand's voice and style.

Plus, content often needs to be optimized for search engines (SEO), which involves keyword research and strategic placement of terms throughout the text.

Time-Consuming Nature of the Process

Perhaps the most significant drawback of the traditional method is the sheer amount of time it requires.

From start to finish, repurposing a single interview can take days or even weeks, depending on the complexity of the content and the number of pieces being created.

This time-intensive process often limits the amount of content that can be produced, potentially leaving valuable insights untapped.

The traditional approach, while thorough, presents a significant bottleneck in content production. It's this time-consuming nature that has led many content creators to seek more efficient solutions, paving the way for AI-powered tools to revolutionize the interview repurposing process.

Introducing AI-Powered Interview Repurposing

Artificial Intelligence has revolutionized the way we approach content creation, and interview repurposing is no exception.

AI-powered platforms like are transforming the tedious and time-consuming process of turning a video or podcast interview into valuable content assets.

Through the use of advanced natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to repurpose content, AI can now analyze interview transcripts, extract key insights, and generate polished content drafts in a fraction of the time it would take a human.

As a powerful GTM AI platform, offers a suite of tools designed to streamline and enhance the process of creating and repurposing content for the web and for social media platforms.

Using, content creators can upload interview transcripts or recordings and let the AI work its magic, automatically identifying important quotes, organizing information, and even generating initial drafts for blog content and different content formats.

The benefits of using AI for repurposing video content and audio interviews are numerous and significant.

Most significantly, AI dramatically reduces the time and effort required to create content from interviews. What used to take hours or even days can now be accomplished in minutes. This efficiency allows content creators to focus on higher-value tasks like strategic planning and creative refinement.

Plus, AI-powered repurposing ensures consistency in tone and style across multiple pieces of content, while still maintaining the unique voice and insights of the interviewee.

It also helps to uncover hidden gems within interviews that human editors might overlook, potentially leading to more diverse and engaging content, viral video snippets, and compelling ideas for your own podcast or YouTube channel.

Step-by-Step Guide to Repurposing Interviews with

Transforming interviews into valuable content has never been easier, thanks to AI-powered tools like Here's a comprehensive guide to repurposing your interviews efficiently.

Tip: If you aren't yet familiar with's Workflows feature, take a quick look at our straightforward Workflows tutorial before following the steps below.

Step 1. Uploading Transcripts

Use AI to transcribe your whole interview, then start your workflow by uploading your interview transcript to

You can easily integrate with a third-party AI transcription tool like Descript using Zapier. Having as part of your GTM tech stack in this way helps you avoid GTM bloat and means you can create an interview repurposing workflow that runs automatically whenever a new interview is sent. accepts various file formats, making it easy to work with different types of transcripts.

2. Extracting Key Insights

Once your transcript is uploaded,‘s AI algorithms can get to work, analyzing the text to identify crucial information.

The tool scans for key quotes, main ideas, and significant points made during the interview or podcast interviews. This automated extraction process is remarkably accurate, pulling out insights you might have missed during a manual review.

3. Generating Content Outlines

With the key insights extracted, the next step of your workflow is to get the AI to organize this information into a logical structure. The AI creates a content outline that serves as a framework for your repurposed content.

This outline typically includes an introduction, main body points, and a conclusion, all based on the extracted insights from your interview. This would make for a great blog post on your company's own website.

However, you can add in additional content types, e.g. for different social media channels, or to create scripts for long form video content or podcast episodes.

4. Customizing AI-Generated Drafts for Podcast Episode

Now comes the exciting part – customizing your content. allows you to set up as many Brand Voices as you like, or you can add to your workflow to input specific instructions for tone, style, and structure.

Want a more conversational piece? Or perhaps a formal, academic tone? Simply adjust the settings, and watch as the AI tailors the content to your preferences.

5. Refining and Optimizing Content

While does an impressive job of creating initial drafts, human touch is crucial for that final polish. Review the AI-generated content, making any necessary edits to enhance flow, clarity, and accuracy.

You can test your worflow as many times as you want, so you may want to adjust the workflow to improve your results. For instance, if you'd like each case study to begin with a quote from the client, simply tell that.

With these steps, you can transform a single interview into multiple pieces of high-quality content in a fraction of the time it would take manually.'s AI-powered tools streamline the process, allowing you to focus on creativity and strategy rather than getting bogged down in the weeds of content creation.

Maximizing the Value of AI-Generated Content

Once you've used to transform your interview into a polished article, the next step is to maximize its impact. Here's how to get the most value out of your AI-generated content:

SEO Optimization Techniques

While can incorporate basic SEO elements, fine-tuning for search engines is crucial. We recommend these SEO best practices:

Keyword Optimization

Analyze the AI-generated content and strategically place your target keywords throughout the article. Ensure they appear in the title, headings, and naturally within the body text.

Meta Description Crafting

Write a compelling meta description that includes your primary keyword and accurately summarizes the article's content.

Internal Linking

Add relevant internal links to other pages on your website, improving site structure and user experience.

Image Optimization

Include alt text for any images, incorporating keywords where appropriate.

URL structure

Create a clean, keyword-rich URL that accurately reflects the article's content.

Multi-channel Content Distribution for Social Media Posts

Don’t limit your AI-generated content to just one platform. Maximize its reach by distributing across multiple channels:

Social Media

Create platform-specific posts highlighting key insights from the interview. Use to generate engaging social media captions. Break down the content into multiple social media posts to cover each pointer in detail.

Email Marketing

Craft a newsletter featuring excerpts from the interview, enticing subscribers to read the full article.


Transform the written content back into audio format, creating a podcast episode that summarizes the key points.

Video Content

Use the AI-generated outline to create a script for a YouTube video or short-form content for platforms like TikTok or Instagram Reels.


Extract key statistics or quotes from the interview and use them to create visually appealing infographics for Pinterest or LinkedIn.

Customizing AI Output for Different Platforms

While provides a solid foundation, tailoring content for specific platforms can significantly boost engagement:


Focus on professional insights and industry trends. Use a more formal tone and include relevant statistics or case studies to keep your audience interested.


Extract concise, impactful quotes from the interview. Create a thread that breaks down the main points in bite-sized tweets.


Emphasize visual elements. Create carousel posts that highlight key takeaways with eye-catching graphics.


Craft longer-form posts that encourage discussion. Ask thought-provoking questions related to the interview content.


Expand on the AI-generated content to create a script for a video, incorporating visual aids and examples to illustrate key points. You can also repurpose the video content into shorter, engaging social media clips suitable for platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok.

Using these strategies, you’ll transform your AI-generated interview content into a versatile asset that drives engagement across multiple platforms and channels.

This approach not only maximizes the value of each piece of content but also ensures you’re reaching your audience wherever they prefer to consume information.

Get Started With AI for Repurposing Interviews Using

Repurposing interviews can be an effective way to generate new content and maximize the value of your existing material.

Using AI platforms like, you can streamline the process and create fresh content that resonates with your audience. Whether you're looking to repurpose podcasts, webinars, or other interviews, can help you do it faster and more efficiently than ever before.

As a full GTM AI, also lets you create various formats of content. Whether you want to revamp an old blog post or produce fresh evergreen content, is here to help.

It's also a great AI for sales platform, which you can use for hyper-personalization and outbound sales automation, potentially giving your podcast content or blog posts new life as you share custom-made valuable resources with exactly the prospects who want them.

Ready to get started with AI for repurposing your interviews? Book a free demo with today and see how easy it can be to streamline your content creation process and save time while reaching more of your target audience.

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